

Over the Easter Weekend (Friday April 7th until Sunday April 9th 2023) the Delftsche SchaakClub will organize the 14th edition of the Prinsenstadtoernooi.

The tournament will be held at our own playing hall; the DUWO Denksportcentrum, Zusterlaan 114 in Delft. The playing hall is located about a 15 minute walk from Delft Central Station and easily reached by bus as well. Paid parking is also available near the venue.

Het schaakmeisje kijkt toe (foto: Herman Zonderland)
Het schaakmeisje kijkt toe (foto: Herman Zonderland)


Play will be divided into three groups, with rating borders chosen such that the rating disparity within a group remains limited. This should ensure competitive games at all ends of the spectrum of playing strength.

  • A-group (from 1900)
  • B-group (1600 - 1950)
  • C-group (<1650)

The tournament format is a 6-round Swiss. Round 1 will be played Friday evening, rounds 2,3 and 4 on Saturday and rounds 5 and 6 on Sunday morning and -afternoon. Morning rounds start at 9:45, afternoon rounds at 14:15 and evening rounds at 19:30. The time-control is 1:40 per player with a 10 second increment.

Due to the venue we will only be able to accommodate 80 participants this year.


To enter the tournament you can register via Google Forms. In the first four rounds you can request a bye which will be compensated with a half point. Other byes will not be compensated. A full list of participants can be found on Aanmelden

The entry fee is €25, independent of the chosen group. The entry fee can be transferred until April 5th 2023 to IBAN: NL19 INGB 0000 9824 82, BIC: INGBNL2A. It is also possible to pay at the playing venue, but there €5 will be added to the fee. Registering for the tournament is possible up until Wednesday April 5th 2023. Results of the tournament will count towards KNSB rating.

Prize fund

The prize fund contains €1500 this year and will be split according to the table below.

Rating 1€50,-€50,-€50,-


18:30-19:15 Registration
19:15-19:30 Opening
19:30-23:15 Round 1

09:45-13:30 Round 2
14:15-18:00 Round 3
19:30-23:15 Round 4

09:45-13:30 Round 5
14:15-18:00 Round 6
18:45-19:15 Award ceremony

Tournament coach

During the tournament a tournament coach will be active. He is available to analyse games with participants of the tournament.

Tournament coach at work (foto: Herman Zonderland)
Tournament coach at work (foto: Herman Zonderland)





Delftse Brouwers

Rob Brunia Fonds

Zonderland Fotografie

Haagse Schaakbond

Grotius College

de Delftsche SchaakClub
de grootste, actiefste en gezelligste schaakclub van Delft

jeugd [ma 18:30-20:00]
Er is op 5 niveau's schaaktraining. Daar­na is er competitie, of een van de vele andere activiteiten.

senioren [ma 19:45-01:00]
De grote interne competitie heeft schakers van elk niveau. Ook zijn er veel andere activiteiten.

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